Poetry For Everyone

My  Sweetheart ,I adore you!

I would like to make love to you in a field of clover,
massaging your being and kissing you all over!
We could spend the night like no other,
making love to each other and never another!
We would be so happy and content!
We would lock out the world that seems so hell bent!
Imagine the mirror that our souls would show.
Imagine the sparkle--our eyes would be all aglow!
I cannot imagine a life without the children or you;and,
I will never give in to peole that try to make us feel blue!
My dear best friend,you will remain in my heart.
You and I will be together until Death do us part,
until after the last star has fallen into the sea!
You are the love of my life---as everyone does see!

I hope if you ever have these feelings deep inside;
that;you never take for granted each other or what it means to
live a lifetime .
I know it is not always as easy as this poem sounds;but,Never Give UP!
 This poem is written for my best friend Jeff.I Love You Babe!

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My Sweetheart ,I adore you!

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