balladeer of moons

174,376 poems read

reading cummings hungry

reading cummings hungry

Reading cummings hungry
In silverpin corridors
Makes small moments larger
I have not lain on smoother floors

Reading cummings hungrily
The poems do not taint with age
They can be buried under these smooth floors
And dug up platinum on the page

Under the streets and floors of sleep
The canaille shouts: World to Self-Destruct
But I am breaking onetwothree Buffalo Bills
Who is so rude to interrupt?

Mercifully the lavender sky of wallpaper
Does not let me dream in human chords
Rainmen leap out of nouns like 'seem'
Caroling truths tear up the floorboards

Crosslegged in this hunger hall
I sip life neat
Like a solstice full of brandy
There is no blood in my feet

Be sure I know my cummings cold
On the sweating year's longest day
When hunger spins the floor and me
And June's November comes up May