Poems of Charles HIce 

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 Questioning questing worry seeking praying in the spirit bringing the spirit down praying the throne down to us is how some unlucky people worship GOD. The best answer that GOD ever gave me to tell people was the BIBLE clearly says SEEK and YE shall FIND nowhere is it written that we are on a questing journey of some kind. A destination known aforehead and aforehand arrival is the certainty let Faith just guide us home. A Prophet forgets that what he preaches must also be applied if a man tells another man not to live with a woman not his wife than adulterer he had better not become. Eye did time oh not the stretches that the men do in the prisons but the alcoholic lose a week or two waiting for the judge to send me back out to the street or further deep in dungeon hell. Eye did time part of me wants to forget it but this story needs a place a new foretelling of this ode there is lost YEARS in all them days lost. It does not take long to add 4 hours to a day get tossed inside four times for drinking that's a day. Get two days in a row when busted on a FrYdaY nite. Waiting for a no show judge still out fishing in the pond of Al Capone. Eye have been to court and taken back no one to hear my case disgraced my clothing frying to my skin the white party shirt hanging limp. They move the docket up to the next higher court and told to wait eye sit on bunk again with head in hands and cry. The only crime a poor belly full of want filled with alcohol. A Public Drunk at age 14 no one wants to help someone like this they look askance and will not admit the problem then they let the boy go to the street to get the whiskey any way he can. Eye never paid except with hide. They loved to beat on me eye had a pretty face. Disgraced my eye black from another fight in jail again for what this time not sure just what eye did. Eye raced to stores when left to my own devices filling cars and coolers with the beer and ices. Nice men in redneck Buicks bought me cokes full of whiskeys just to see me grin when the stuff hit me they loved to make the young boy drunk so sure they had a winner in the line. Queued all up no sleep in several days stealing food when no one's looking marking time in days given to the jailor no relief for crime was not the question how can it be a crime to lift a beverage and then drink it oh the content alcoholic is the reason they just wanted me to pay. TRUTH. Savor this. Eye once decided eye had done as much as FIVE years in jail one day at a time and hours count for some only let us out after four hours or even eight have come and gone relate to this. The policeman in my hometown made me blow up the balloon and he frowned at me because the machine picked up nothing. The thing just zeroed out right in front of him. He made me do it again so eye huffed and blew and blew the balloon to smithereens. It was worth it. The look on his face was priceless even so it don't excuse us but that day eye was still sober and no useless user. But the jailor got me anyway for the policeman said the machine must be broken and you must be drunken.
Since eye stopped using beer wine and other drinking's eye have not been in jail more than twice in Twenty years. This last time it was just for being homeless and for questing.

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