Lexophile in motion

Sometimes when it rains,(New version) (Music By Secret Garden-Sometimes when it rains)

Sometimes when it rains
Written By D.A.M
September 21, 2009 (12:12pm)



Sometimes when it rains

I have found it very difficult
for me to contain
my emotions and my feelings

And for some reason

That's when my tears
start pouring
out of me like rain

And it's really
not that
hard to explain

It's just been
really difficult
being here on my own

Especially when I have
always been so used to
having someone around

So there will be times
when I need to release
my pent up feelings
that I have been having

So that I can feel
some what normal again

It doesn't seem
to happen that often

But it does happen
every now and then

And it's usually
when it's raining

Sometimes when it rains

I have found it very
difficult for me to contain
my emotions and my feelings

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