To Ride The Unicorn - poems about life - by pegesus unicorn

215,959 poems read

Welcome to my world of poetry.

It is here that you will find words written to feel, understand, enjoy,
and maybe cry a little.
I started writing my words while i was taking care of my mother, who had
Alzheimers. When she died, I discovered poetry had become a way of existing
for me, so i continued on and expanded my world of poetry. I hope you enjoy
what you read, and if you desire to read more of my work, i have published two
books for your continued pleasure. They can be viewed on the first
book is titled "When There Are Dragons There Is Alzheimers" and the second
most recent book is "Through the maze of Life" you can search both books on by their titles.
Thank you for coming by and relaxing while you read my words