Keeper Of The Flame
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 Wool Gathering Time

Enchanted by flames dancing, moths whirled in the air
We all were mesmerized, with a vacant aimless stare
Each lost inside his own dream, drifting to somewhere
To places long forgotten, long stored away with care....

Within the fire's hypnotic tongues of flickering flame
Rise smoky images evoking all things without a name
Reflecting on reflections, none of which are ever the same
Of dusty ancient misdeeds which no one wants to claim....

Cigarettes and coffee mingled with the burning wood
Surely one of us would say something, if only he could
Memories pouring forth of how each one of us should
Have done our very best to set things to the good.....

Campfires are magical things, they will carry you away
To one's early childhood when fun and games held sway
Or to some far off faintly remembered bright summer's day
Shall I stir the failing embers and listen to what they say?....

Time to pour water on the fire and wrap the blanket tight
Stare awhile at crescent moon in the heaven of the night
Drift away with the twinkling stars as they gaily bedight
Then off we go with our misdeeds sinking slowly out of sight....  

Jan 27 2010

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