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 Honoring Reality

Sinking deep into my seat, allowing myself to simply be;
Realizing that I'm in my head, numb from the neck down.
Focusing, I land in my body, fully alive within this moment;
A bit skittish, as I look around at the surrounding reality.

Uneasy, I sense myself ready to bolt back into my head;
Not wishing to fully experience the slightest discomfort.
Yet, what I am experiencing right now, reality unmasked;
Living in this moment, blessed all over as my toes tingle.

I slowly begin to relax in this place, my senses are so alive;
Fear takes a back seat; it is no longer shouting in my ear.
Good or bad, pleasure or pain; my every atom is now alive;
This is where the planes of existence meet, honoring reality.

Not grasping for control, nor acting by some internal script;
Released into the depths of reality, falling into my destiny.
Freedom rings in my every cell; today is Independence Day!
The bonds of my ego broken, free to live by honoring reality.


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