Poetic Verses


Some of the developing countries are now facing a grave situation
This comes from the fact that there is a great amount of migration in the population
As many of its bright and  future leaders leave home most certainly
To accept work in other countries,  that  are offering a better salary.

This to the departing country is a very great financial strain
As it is rapidly  feeling the effects of a brain drain
After investing time, money and personnel in training
Then  without a year's  service those  persons are leaving.

But on the flip side this may work out well for the economy
As they go off and collectively that infusion of foreign money
Would have a very good impact on the  country's  treasury
As they send home that money to help family members out financially.

What a plus migration was for the USA and UK in the early sixties
As they allow people to migrate ,  into some of their major cities
Because this  gesture was an integral factor in their development
And the  migrants  were very overjoyed at getting employment.

This also brought locally some spin off and also some benefits
To those who had businesses and  all those with houses and rooms to let
So the arrivals could have some  means and  also find some accommodation
And to that city  there was  now a change in the  demographic  dispersion.

Now today as we are gripped in the arms of the recession
There is still that need for lots of skilled  migration
As companies want to attract those who are very highly skilled and with a  knowledge base
So that they can somehow find the way to  keep the company in the race.

Another factor some developed countries now have an aging population
The advent of controlled birth now leave an age extreme vacuum
Thus creating that deficiency in those who are at that age for working
So this void is filled by encouraging  some form of  migrating.

But there is that great impact on some countries by tourism
Can this not be roped into the  into a subtle form of migration
Thought short they make a considerable impression on an economy
Even though their time and visits are  only temporary and transitory.

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