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 Return to Breath

The hectic whirlwind of life
Sweeps my soul bare of peace.
My balance is skewed;
Simply standing a challenge.
My mind races to the left;
Abruptly turns to the right.

Unstable, imbalanced,
Feeling disconnected.
Uneasy, without rest, disoriented;
 Unable to find my still center.
I sit in the quiet and relax;
Peacefully, I return to breath.

The peace slowly returns
To take its seat in my soul.
Settling down, grounded;
Sweet is this moment in time.
Feeling the love surge again
Throughout my entire being.

Now stable, balanced,
Feeling fully connected.
Easy, rested, oriented;
Able to find my center.
I sit in the quiet and relax;
Peacefully, I return to breath.


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