Poetic Verses

The result of Power

There is no being alive whose seem to  never
Relax, because he has an inveterate desire for power
And no matter the condition or the location
Man wants to be in control of the situation.

His attempts at trying to dabble with the thing called nature
Have only increase the propensity for the occurrence of a disaster
Now we can see in those ones, the occur naturally
And no area is safe because of its position geographically.

Today many demonstrate not even a modicum of respect
Apparently seem not to bother about any environmental impact
Only focusing on that venture that they are doing
Really caring about, the quantity of the profit making.

The Arctic region, seems to be enduring a little lost
As there is melting in some areas of the permafrost
That green house effect, and now methane is escaping
Has resulting in some of the frost there melting.

I don't think that if it happens it should be a shock
If there is melting of the snow on the mountain tops
And the water flowing with such kinetic energy
Will reek havoc, on the infrastructure of the nearby city.

Daily, collectively, tons of chemicals are dumped into the atmosphere
Some may biodegrade, whilst others may still remain for year there
Forming a variety of compounds, mutagenic, carcinogenic and oncogenic
Guess who, are the ones feeling most of the effects.

The answer is there as we all now see the great danger
Almost every nation has a spike in the statistics for cancer
But despite this very little heed is paid to the message
AS treatment is expensive, and the types are very aggressive.

Yes there will always be this quest, for power
Those seeking it should always consider, the other factor
That those and what ever you may try to dominate.
Some day in the process of time, will surely retaliate.

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