  Rick Weber

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 The Hem of Society

funny huh?
The past is
always present
in all it's many
shadowy forms
Rushing in many
in disguises
such as feedback
tender moments
under the stars
Gazing at the top
looking at from
the bottom up
I like to live
inside sunshine
and pop the sickle
make me so ill
Shut up and swallow
my pickle
It only makes sense
if you were there
and even if you
weren't there you
can still see the
ripples throughout
I tossed the pebble
in the pond in
1983 and look what
it spawned..
Cobwebs and mystic
coloured waters
And so glad to see
The setting sun
For once night falls
The drop of the sun
And the rise of the moon
And more feedback
Then you can shake
a stick at
Ow!  My aching head
Is it pleasure from
the pain I'm receiving
Or are we better
off dead..
Have to..just have to
Carry on the song
The spirit, the charm
The myth of somewhere
to belong
To make matters worse
With a loaded gun
Empty the load
Carry some laundry
Trip on the hem
of society
And cry over
my bitter sweet

By Rick Weber
April 22, 2011

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