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 Wrong Side

The alarm clock shakes me from my dreams.
I hear a hard rain on the tin roof;
Yeppers, it's gonna be a wet one.

Eyes half open, I shuffle down the hallway.
I bust my big toe on the iron good luck cricket;
Muttering under my breath nothing kind.

I look in the bathroom mirror at my face and sigh.
I don't want to be me today;
I don't want to do a doggone thing.

I ain't gonna shave, looking at the bristles on my face.
I got out of the wrong side of the bed today…
Yeppers, the wrong side.

Everything within me only wants to crawl back into bed.
I see the man in the mirror smile
As I entertain this idea.

Work beckons me, duties and obligations must be met.
But… is the world gonna stop turning…
Will everything simply crumble if I go back to bed?

I look out the window at the driving rain; I shiver.
Picking up my cell phone, I call the boss man‘s machine;
Gathering my gumption, as well as my wits.

Mr. Dither's, sir; I won't be out to work today because
I got out of the wrong side of the bed today…
Yeppers, the wrong side.

I am smiling so big as I hang up the phone;
I can just imagine him hearing this message,
 Feeling the growth of a pair between my legs.

I cut off my ringer, fall back into bed with joy, ‘cause
I got out of the wrong side of the bed today…
Yeppers, the wrong side.

I got out of the wrong side of the bed today…
Yeppers, the wrong side.


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