poetry and RHYME from the MIND of MichaelKamau 

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 Another Poem About Love


If I write another poem about love,
would anyone be emotionally MOVED?
With my soulful inkpen and
cardiovascular drumbeat,
will lovers be able to
sensually get into the GROOVE?
I'm just a humble poet,
it is my duty to provide
an alternative to all the ugliness we see
while watching world NEWS.

If I wrote another poem
about LOVE, will the neighborhood THUG
be willing to set aside his loaded pistol
to engage in a sensuous HUG
as his girlfriend's moist body
slowly emerge from out of a
hot and steamy BATHTUB?

If I wrote another poem about love,
somebody somewhere may experience
a moment of absolute, uninterrupted PEACE.
Stressed out parents of toddlers
will have a moment to RELEASE.
Homeless people who live in the STREETS
will finally be invited into a warm dinning room
to partake in a holiday FEAST.

Enough said,
I will write another poem about love
and dedicate it to the LONELY.
Even those brave souls who are alone by choice
will cherish an unplanned moment of INTIMACY.
Yes, from the mind of a humble poet,
another poem about love
will be written RHYTHMICALLY
as a way to introduce to the world
a different type of Love POETRY.

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