childhood abuse (my story using rhyme) 
  Natalie Rawlings

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 some people!

Does it not annoy you?
Nor matter what you do in life,
You can't do wrong for doing right.
You could do a million and one nice things for a person,
But do one thing wrong and you will only be remembered for that throughout your life long.

So why is it like this,
Its really sad to see.
People not excepting others for who they are,
Not what they see.
we live in a stereotypical world,
People pushed out for not fitting in.
We just can not win.

no matter who you are just be yourself,
Don't change for others.
Its them that need help!
Their shallowness and narrow minds so blind,
They will never know the rewards for being kind.
Hearts so cold and empty, eyes blinded by the grime shadows of wordily goods,
But nothing will become of them people no rewards that they reap ornone that they should

Copyright ©20011 Natalie RAWLINGS

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