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 Elsie`s Poetry



There was a lady called Lou
Who got herself into a stew,
It was when Ellie came to stay
Because much to her dismay
Ellie`s Mum had permed her hair
Ellie nor Lou found it very fair.


Hard to comb was Ellie`s hair
For her it was a living nightmare,
Lou just couldn`t get the comb thru`
And didn`t know quite what to do,
She tugged and pulled this way and that
But the problem she`d find a way to combat.


By this time Ellie was quite head sore
But her plea`s to `stop` Lou did ignore,
Determined she was going to win
Lou carried on with a murderous grin,
Ellie had to sit quiet and still
I must admit she went through the mill.


This was the routine every day
Poor little Ellie couldn`t get away,
She hoped and prayed her hair would grow
And no longer be like an afro,
But until such time she had to endure
This daily routine that held no allure.

*****     *****     *****

A name has been changed to protect the innocent !!!!!

copyright©2011 Elsie

Elsie`s Poetry ~*~ Poet5170

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