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 Magic Words

I remember back when I was a kid…
 I was told that thank you's
Were magic words.

Before we trivialize this,
Let us think for a moment…
Are these magic words?

What changes when we speak them;
Is it my attitude inside?
Listening to those magic words.

Without a heart that feels gratitude,
The words become an empty mantra;
But fresh breath can come by magic words.

I think that the constant reminder of
 “Thank you” spoken can change a heart.
Transformed by magic words.

Gratitude grows from this soil;
The sun shines brighter in my life.
I believe they are magic words.

I read the other day that if the only
Prayer we ever speak is, “Thank you“;
It is enough… they are magic words.

As this Thanksgiving Day comes near;
Remember the simple heart felt phrase.
Thank you… yes, magic words.


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