Poetic Verses

Careful Children

Whilst driving along one morning enjoying the morning sun
Looking at the side of the road to see those many school children
Was surprised as there was no talking no moving around not a sound
My impression was that they were somehow bolted to the ground

Because the traffic was crawling it allowed a closer inspection
So that it would give a close up so the one could see what has happen
There was those ears plugged and the focus was on the palm
Apparently oblivious to what is around, and no care or cause for alarm

I in my thoughts considered it to be a very in sort of situation
Children congregating and there was no time for any conversation
No time for fun a little game and not a moment for laughter
Perhaps there we on the phone busily texting each other

Well that done and on my way passing traffic going in the other direction
There was this driver driving with no care or any sort of consideration
There she was going along cell phone firmly clamped to the ear
Lower the head a bit and in the process slammed another car in the rear

Journey completed parked and took the usual walk to my department
The sight the greeted my eyes did not bring any form of enjoyment
There I was going along cheerily wishing all a very good morning
But a laptop or a cell phone was the focus and there was no responding

We all do appreciate and welcome the presence of technology
Yes it can grip up, but do not let it get in the way of interacting socially
There is no doubt about the infinite diversity and continual expansion
Take it as another topic in education, and not let it put a damper on any personal relation.

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