

                        Marian              August 27, 2012

I want to come home; I don't want to die alone
I cry myself to sleep at night I'm Irish strong and proud
I ask why I must sleep alone and bare my body every day
They say this does not happen as I live my Irish way
My spirit is not negotiable; I know the tricks they play
When I'm alone I'm strong and face my struggle every day
I'm winning but it's lonely without my life and the Irish way
I want my people near me to remember better times
To talk about Irelands future and the road that we must walk
To hold an Irish hand, I love those Irish bands
Maybe think about our heroes, guys like Bobby Sands
I want to come home; I don't want to die alone
I cry myself to sleep at night I'm Irish proud and strong

          Gerrard McGeachy

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