
We'd Walk With Them

                                  We'd Walk With Them         September 2, 2012

If our leaders gone before us could make it back to show the way
Things would change in Ireland; we'd walk with them every step along the way
The peace wall would fall; we'd make new friends with them all
 We would walk our talk, cross that line and make that welcome call
Our children would play together as all children should
The parents would share peace, if only they could
No hiding behind bricks and mortar, our new day has begun
The troubles have gone, enjoy the evening sun
I can meet my new friend from behind the wall
Life's changed for the better when the bricks and mortar did fall
We can never go back the those days of our past
Together we must walk united irrespective of our past
We'll move forward together with respect on our mind
Someday soon things will change and true peace we will find
If our leaders gone before us could make it back to show the way
Things would change in Ireland; we'd walk with them every step along the way

                   Gerrard McGeachy

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