~Inspirational & Heart-felt Poetry~

(C) July 6, 2008
Poem #35
Written by Arielle Bosler
Obesessions over Rides!

Someone has obessions over rides at amuzement parks.
I care deeply for him (even though at times he has hurt me in the past)
But as time progresses my heart wonders if he will ever change and
Not have the obsessions over rides to have his hydrenoline by pumping
Rapidly but so he can spend time with family and friends
Not acting like someone where he has to get his way or he will wine.
For crying out loud he has a sissy if things don't go his way.
Obsessions with roller coasters will eventually have him go broke and
Complain about not (not) having money or any precious time with him,
When he obsessesover rides...
Hoping to be his lovely bride someday
~Arielle Bosler~

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Obessions over rides

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