~Inspirational & Heart-felt Poetry~

(C) September 28, 2008
Poem # 91
Written by Arielle Bosler

Wounded Heart

A sadness in my heart, araises within me,
From the pain of my mother.
Causing her to fall into the
Bottom of the black hole
From all this vile pain
A wounded heart having
This breaking, crushing pain
Brings the heart to tears
Continously until the heart
Can shed no more tears
My mom has a wounded heart.
She doesn't want to or
Even seem to care about her daughter
Having or knowing her daughter is in pain
I think she is taking more pain upon herself
Not getting anyone or someone
Out of her house is causing herself crucial pain
Let alone her one and only daughter
Wounded and broken
Not haven been healed
When, she had so many chances to be healed
Her heart has never healed;
Therefore knowing that
My heart is torn between the many different ways for her
Causing many different pains to come to me threw my poems
Which discribe my emotional state-of-being
Helps others get to know my heart and its pain
Wounded hearts can do one of two things
The first one is people always thing
Think they can never heal and they be in the darkness the rest of their lives.
Or the second option is they can surrounder
Their lives over to Christ and be in the light.
Having the light in your life will
Causes wounded hearts to be healed over time.
My mother's wounded heart is deepened in the darknesss,
Because she has fallen away from the Lord.
While falling astray she lets her emotions get in the way,
She lets her flesh consume her body's wants.
Letting abusive, vile, distructible, impacable men
In her life who has made her heart seem to be impossible to ever heal.
When she tries to have her heart heal but lets her emotions of men get in the way
Her pain becomes everlasting to her state of mind.

Hoping to be his lovely bide someday
~Arielle Bosler~

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Wounded heart

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