~Inspirational & Heart-felt Poetry~

Edited on July 30, 2013
By Arielle Bosler
Poem #238
Learning Study Habits Now

Learning now how to study will have you be ready for college when it comes your way.
Learning now these studying patterns may someday help you:
* 1. Pray to God and read the Bible every morning and night (Keeping him as your #1)
* 2. Have two notebooks per class. 1st notebook (notes in class) 2nd notebook (Notes outside of class)
* 3. Use a recorder to record lectures (If allowed by instructors)
* 4. Add notes from each class to each notebook
* 5. Use second notebook as a study notebook and Re-write notes in 2nd notebook
* 6. Type notes on laptop just once to further studying habits
* 7. Go over notes in second notebook, and chapters and papers for preparation for test day
Possibly one day his future bride,
Arielle Bosler
Learning these study habits now and puttings these seven steps in motion will help you get through college.
Be Wise and learn these seven steps now before you get to college.

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Learning Study Habits Now

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