~Inspirational & Heart-felt Poetry~

Poem 396 Written December 22nd, 2013 by Arielle Bosler

Power Outage That Has Occurred Due to an ICE STORM -- 2013

Power Outage That Has Occurred Due to an ICE STORM -- December of 2013
This Power Outage is trying to interfer with my plans for the holidays
However, it won't because I will just improvise and work around power outages!

Power Outage Has created a little bit of a dilemma which is the fact
That we have very limited access to the refridgerator and no usage of electricity
As it is I can only continue writing this poem until my computer has to be
Shut off due to a low battery!

Power Outage has made me have to bundle but atleast I am not homeless
And am having to fight to survive daily due to this cold weather outside!

Power outage has made me realize just how much we actually utilize
Technology software in this day and age and how we need to
Back away from it all and remember the good things in life before we
Had all of this technology for instance the bonding of family members
Has been lacking in some areas because the once board games and
Card games have drifted away for what for video games and excerise games!
Is this really what we wanted 20 years ago or even 50 years ago?

Power Outage due to an ICE STORM
Makes me stop and think
About one can do in his/her spare time
Aside from using technology
Like making blankets, making scrapbooks,
Putting together a photo album,
Cleaning up the house or a messy bedroom,
Organizing my room or even what i have on my computer
All the endless possibilities that one can do just by
Leaving technology alone just for a few hours or even for days!

The one disadvantage about power outages is
That all electronic usage is limited to the time of life it has
When it can no longer be charged.

~Prince Charmings Future Bride~
~Arielle Bosler~

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Power Outage That Has Occurred Due to an ICE STORM -- 2013

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