~Inspirational & Heart-felt Poetry~

Poem 478 Written on 4-1-14 By Arielle Bosler 

~Heavens Gates~

Heavens Gates I have not personally seen them 
But I heart that the Heavens gates 
Will be pearly gates that on will enter into Heaven.

Heavesn gates have appeared several times but
In several different ways to many different people. 

If Heavens gates are pearly and the payment in Heaven is gold
Than what importance does money possess in Heaven but a decoration
For soemthing more significant such as the one who gave His own life for His people!
He surrendered himself that we we might find grace and love
WIthin our holmes and our work places.  

Heavens gates maybe unknown to many of us
But the day we pass these bodies back 
Will be the day we see the gates 
And will either be told to enter the gates or go below....

Prince Charmings Future Bride and Wife, 
<3 Arielle Bosler <3

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Heavens Gates

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