
God the All Knowing

Great is Thy power
and Thy wisdom, Infinite,
for Thou, Oh Lord,
have knowledge of all things,
who count the stars by number,
Who made them all,
atom by atom,
molecule by molecule,
who has numbered
the hairs on our heads,
who made the world
and all therein,
who looks down on
our earthly habitation,
so marvelously designed
in ecology and symbiosis
fitly framed together
beyond human comprehension,
the fool sees but does not understand,
wise in his own eyes,
he dwells in his darkness,
chained to walking in his way
and being filled with the fruits thereof.
But to those for whom the True Light
has shined in darkness
and in the shadow of death,
He is a guide to life Eternal!

Isaiah 55:8-11

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God the All Knowing

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