

The Lilly Maid of Astolot,
fair daughter of Sir Bernard
whose strong baronial castle
lay on the edge of Astolot,
near to that of noble Arthur,
king of Britain.
She was a lovely damsel,
all passing fair,
with azure eyes
and golden hair.
Her braided locks
well nigh falling to the ground
like Rapunzel or Melisande.
Enamored of Lancelot
that noble knight of table round
who strove with sword and lance
bravely to uphold the right.
Alas, for this maiden,
fairest of the fair,
Smitten with love
for bold, noble Lancelot.
Her sweet, loving heart
broken and grieved,
sorrowing unto death
for what could never be.
She passed from
this sad vale of tears,
a prayer for the mercy of
the high Lord of Heaven
on her fainting, dying lips.
Ah! Be it so!
Earth has no sorrow
that Heaven cannot heal!


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