
The Light in Your Eyes

Deep in the shadows
of the dying day,
in the growing twilight,
my thoughts forever stray
to that light in your eyes!
Back to the magic of yesterday,
I will be remembering,
in my empty house
like the first blush of spring,
that light in your eyes
which made it home!
This is a poem I wrote after my first wife died. Writing about it was very cathartic for me.
It helped to deal with the pain. But now, as I look back, it makes me realize that time has
healed this somewhat. And my present wife has that same wonderful quality that her loving
presence makes home, home and fills my emptiness and longing. Praise the Lord!

Losing my wife of nearly 49 years was painful, hurtful and very lonely. Another poem I wrote
 about it was "Lonely House", the very bottom of the list on this site. But it was good that I
was hurt. It was good that I was so lonely! "All that Thou sendest me in mercy given." as one
of the great, old hymns says. It helped me to understand these things, which are such a part
of this sad world, and so understand others. My poem "Angel Child" was written for a couple who
 had lost a wonderful little girl. They said it helped them. How wonderful that our God has
overcome death, "the last enemy" as Paul has related to us!

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The Light in Your Eyes

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