~Inspirational & Heart-felt Poetry~

Emotional backlash of un-approval and rejection

Poem 666 – Emotional Backlash of un-approval & Rejection – Written on 7-31-2014

Emotional backlash of un-approval and rejection
From someone who was my friend back in high school
And now when I saw her again a few months back
A look had been gazed upon my face by a girl
Who had seemed like had passed me
Through like millions of shredded blades
Tearing away at the seams was my heart
As an emotional backlash of un-approval and rejection
Had returned to me as if had when
She backstabbed me along-side of another friend of ours at the time
Who completely destroyed the self-esteem
The girl who I was had left at the time
Had been tarnished down to nothing
Emotional backlash of un-approval and rejection
Started all over just by one look  

-Prince Charming's FB2B,
~Arielle Bosler~

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Emotional backlash of un-approval and rejection

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