~Inspirational & Heart-felt Poetry~

Caught up & Tried to replace

Poem 503 – Caught up tried to replace – Written 4-01-14

When reality sets in I realize
Something that I am now regretting
I was trying to fill the emptiness
That had unfortunately been created
When my buddy and her husband left the church…..
I was trying to fill that by someone who recently
Has joined the church and the music ministry
I got so caught up in trying to welcome her
And her husband into the church
I had jumped out of line with myself
I got caught and tried to replace
My buddy, even though she may not
To go to the same church I am still friends with her
I got caught up so badly with that
Empty place that had been there and
I saw part of my Nana in her
That I tried to make my Nana be (her)
Worst part of it all is that she did not
Even know, nor did my heart really know
I got caught up and I screwed up part of my thinking
Please, Lord forgive me!
You knew what I was doing even if I had
Not the slightest idea about – even if I was
Brewing in my heart… I know you
Tried to warn by saying don't make her
An idol and I was not even trying to do that by any means…
I was caught up in filling an area
That did not need to be filled and
I momentarily lost sight of what my goals were
But now there back focused on Christ
Where they should be, instead of being selfish
And being caught up and tried to replace
Is the last thing I want to do
Caught up and tried to replace
Will cause you to stumble
And fall out of the inner peace
And joy that all have within themselves
Caught up in a daze was I but now I see as clear as day
That I was in my wrong

~Prince Charming's FB2B~me
~Arielle Bosler~

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Caught up & Tried to replace

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