~Inspirational & Heart-felt Poetry~

Heart Twisted and burning

Poem 522 – Heart Twisted and Burning – Written on 4-4-14

My heart feels like its twisted and burning
Normally one would think
Something is wrong with me
Which could very well be
However I can feel
Others that are close to me
Their pain becomes my pain
Its more of a blessing because
I can start to pray just a matter of who to
Actually pray for is the real question….
My heart twisted and burning
Pain feels like a fury cement block
Crashing down on my happiness
My heart is twisted and burning
Lord help the person whose heart
Is truly feeling this why
And give me peace again
Take away this twisting
And burning sensation within me

~Prince Charming's FB2B~
~Arielle Bosler~

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Heart Twisted and burning

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