
The Glorious Gospel

Ah! Sweet,
as sweet as sweet can be,
those words of comfort,
words of hope and peace,
of healing and life,
of life beyond life,
the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ!
He who was present at Creation,
nothing made apart
from hes creating hands,
as the angels sang
His majestic triumph!
His hands of love,
His hands of healing,
His wonderful hands
stretched out in hate
upon the cruel cross of Calvary
His risen body still bearing
the marks of hate,
his scarred hands
for doubting Thomas to see,
that symbol of hate
transformed to that
of eternal love!
Ah yes! The Glorious
Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Sweeter than the
singing of the angels
who proclaim His glory!


his hands of

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The Glorious Gospel

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