~Inspirational & Heart-felt Poetry~

Princess Who Writes Poetry

Poem 721 – Princess Who Writes Poetry– Written on 9-18-14 by AEB
~Princess Who Writes Poetry~
 Princess who writes poetry
Seats in the midst of creation
For which she decides to write

Princess who writes poetry
Writes poetry differently
Than the normal Poet and Poetess out there
One may ask why is she so different?

Princess who writes poetry
Isn't concerned about
Arithmetic or haiku rhymes
She is more concerned
About the emotion behind it all

Princess who writes poetry
As this princess writes
She keeps in mind what poetry means

To this princess poetry means:
“P = Putting words”
“O = On paper to”
“E = Express in part”
“T = Thoughts from me”
“R = Right to”
“Y = Your heart”
That my friend is why the princess writes poetry!

~Prince Charming's FB2B~
~Messenger from the Father - AEB~

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Princess Who Writes Poetry

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