
There is More

We see the mighty iceberg
towering in the air.
yet only a tenth of
what is really there.
We see the waves lapping
on the great Pacific shore
yet we no it covers
over half our world or more.
So is the Goodness of our Lord
so vast and limitless
than our conceptions can afford
We see the flat tire
and complain of the delay
slowing our urgent journey
not the ten car pileup
we missed along our way.
We see a grumpy old man
we don't see him giving
his life's savings to
save his neighbor's home.
We don't see the poor mother
who went to bed hungry
so her children wouldn't.
Ten of us gathered in a room,
we don't see the ten angels
guarding us from harm.
When trouble comes our way
we don't see Satan meant it for evil
but God will turn it to good.
We take the blessings
of our lives for granted
which were all bought with a price
of martyrdom and sacrifice.
Praise God from
whom all blessings flow
those we realize and the
myriads we don't know!

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There is More

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