~Inspirational & Heart-felt Poetry~

~To My Uncle Truett: Great Man & Good Soul~

Poem 739 - written on 10-07-2014
~To My Uncle Truett: Great Man & Good Soul~

Uncle Truett was a great man and a good soul.
Uncle Truett left a legacy behind him when he passed.
He left a legacy that touched many people who knew him.
Uncle Truett was not just a husband, but an uncle and
Two generational great uncle to his family
Uncle Truett lived his life as a ministry to
Touch the ones around him by sharing with others
The blessed and wonderful news of Jesus Christ
In no matter what he had done in life, Christ was shown!
Specifically my great Uncle Truett, but out of respect
My family and I have always just called him Uncle Truett!
Uncle Truett left an amazing life story behind him
A life story that will be used as an example for
Not only a marriage of 57 years but also an example for Christ
Uncle Truett's legacy will live on through his generation
And as I tell you today Uncle Truett is pain free in heaven
With the father up above, celebrating
And rejoicing for finally coming home to be with the father.
Uncle Truett will be missed greatly and personally
When the Lord takes me home I will see him again
As well as other family members
And on that day it will be a day of great rejoicing!

~prince charming's FB2B~

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~To My Uncle Truett: Great Man & Good Soul~

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