~Inspirational & Heart-felt Poetry~

The Month of October

Poem 741 – Written on 10-14-14 by AEB
~The Month of October~
The month of October is a month of appreciation
An appreciation for our pastors who have been there for us
However, I try to go a step further and appreciate
Any person that has been there for me
I am taking the time to recognize them
And appreciate them in my life!

The month of October is a month of appreciation
So appreciate the ones you have around you
No matter what your circumstances are!

The month of October is a month of appreciation
And goes sometimes under the rug and forgotten
Do not forget who has helped you in your life!

The month of October is a month of appreciation
So appreciate everything you have
Because in the blink of an eye
Everything could be easily taken away from you!

The month of October is a month of appreciation
A time to appreciate all those who help you in life
For me they are: Pastors, Mentors, Leaders,
Coworkers, Other Believers and even the parents in my life
In addition to my significant other;
Oh yeah the rest of my family and friends
And other inspirational people in my life!  

This month of October is a month of appreciation
So I can also be thankful for the days that I have lived
Here on this place called Earth
For Earth is my temporary home
Till it is my time to go back home
Where I belong in Heaven!
For now I appreciate and am thankful
For the opportunities that Christ has given
Me thus far in my life and for what He has in store for me!

~Prince Charming's FB2B~
~Messenger from the Father - AEB~

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The Month of October

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