
Brother to the Gorilla

Whose is the breath
that blew out the Light
within this brain?
That True Light which
enlightens every man?
What to this beast creature
are Plato, Aristotle,
Epictetus, Cicero and Virgil,
Augustine and Aquinas?
What the beauty of the dawn,
the glory of the starry heavens,
the long reaches of the
soaring peaks of song,
the beauty of God's
wondrous Creation,
His love, tendermercies
and lovingkindness?
There is nothing here but
overweaning pride,
Hatred of all that is
true, decent and good,
the murderous soul of Cain!
Think of a cruel, jackboot
stamping down on an
upturned baby's face,

This a response to the Secular Humanist

"...quite freely and adamantly I admit
and declare mine--AND YOUR--ape ancestry.
Tis beyond doubt that we are in fact
"evolved" from a primitive hominid.
Not necessarily an "ape", as we currently
define it, but no doubt a hominid of some
fashion. That much is beyond dispute,
genetically. Your faith-based assertion
against that fact carries no weight nor

How little sinful rebellion against God
has changed in 3,000 years:
"22 So foolish was I, and
ignorant: I was
as a beast before thee.
Psalm 73:22 (KJV)

This is irrational, unsupported dogmatism
and bigoted hatred of Christianity.
We really need to understand "the bad news
about Fallen Man" to understand The Good News
about God. Praise the Lord!

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Brother to the Gorilla

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