Winter I bid you farewell
With you I shall no longer dwell
Signs of you leaving
Winter my heart has been grieving
Green grass will sprout and grow
Flowers will bloom and put on their show
Birds, their lovely songs will sing
Butterflies will flutter and welcome spring
God knows when its time for each season
Some things we just don't know the reason
As my heart deeply grieves
Trees will bud leaves
Beauty of spring will surround me
I will escape with the breeze feeling free
I will plant a special tree
A tree for all to see
On a warm spring night
I will release all fright
Looking up at the calm dark sky
I'll gently let go and ask why?
İMarch 29, 2015 Janet Irene Griffin
Author's note: To my dear loving husband:
I miss your music that filled the air. Our dance will continue forever!
For the winter is passed.
The rain is over and gone.
The flowers are springing up.
And the time of the singing of the birds has come.
- Song of Solomon 2:11-12