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 From the Heart Through the Pen


Floating somewhere between a Lifehouse 

And a Little Big Town I lay Broken...


Damaged at best...

Although I asked her not too she still let go...


I've got one hand on a rock
Trying to pull myself out of this abyss like hole

Lord please say this is just a test

Water fills my lungs; suddenly I also let go

I see myself sink, fade...and I walk away

One arm reaches out for aid as I go about my day

Is this a dream, or maybe a flick

How does this fossil beneath my chest still tick

She pulled out all the wires, ground the gears

Left no chance of repairs

Yet there's still a beat

Somehow this is what I most feared


I loved her at her worst

She left me at her best

Wait...that's not how any of this works

This mask has seen better times

I beat on my chest to give that clunker a jumpstart

All I want to do is escape this lot

Shift outta park

Get on the highway

Now I'm staring at headlights 

Put up my fists cause I'm ready for the fight

Instead I'm on this flight that's nosedived

Straight into an F5

The storm has been brewing for a while

Wonder if I'll make it out alive 

I've awakened and now treading water

Like karaoke right now my voice 

Isn't the only thing off key

This thing is quickly losing strength


...Just a lil Unsteady

I guess she didn't love me 


...along with love for True Beauty

At times pain reverberates FHTP
Sometimes a title isn't necessary

C'est La Vie

¥☼MOI☼¥  11 Apr 16

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