~Inspirational & Heart-felt Poetry~

Protectiveness without reasoning

Poem 789 – Protectiveness without reasoning  -- Written on 4-19-16

For those who knew me anywhere from 8 to 10 years ago in school,
For those whom my words and actions hurt, I simply say I am sorry.
Forgiveness had not been in my sights for many reasons.
Rather reasons of fear or rejection, the girl inside of me
Should have never reacted the way that she had, for that I apologize.
The individuals who read this will know in one way or another if it applies to them,
But I can say one thing I am not the person I use to be anymore.
Most writings of mine are written in poems but this is a letter to those whom
I hurt intentionally or even unintentionally. I again say that
I was wrong to act the way I had, without letting you know why
I had acted in that way. Protectiveness of anyone comes from those
Who had used me to get to other individuals in my family or
Even just in my life, and if this applies to you I do say
I was in the wrong for not telling you why I was acting the way
I had been or even why some people could have defined me at the
Time as a clingy type of person (it was fear of losing my friends to other people).
In within the past 8 to 10 years of my life I have lost or even grew distant
From those who had been there, for that I cannot emphasize the amount
Of sorrowful regret I feel now, because of my own fear of losing
Those close to me and separating them. I understand fully if you do not understand
What I am referring to just know regardless that I am seeking
Your forgiveness and saying that I am sorry. If you choose to accept me
Back or not that is up to you, I am just informing you I am sorry for
Being protective and I am sorry I did not just tell you sooner
What was going on and why but part of me was terrified I would lose you if
I told you; at this point it may not matter at all because
I might have already lost you in the end.

Arielle Ferguson


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Protectiveness without reasoning

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