once upon a time

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Your world, our world


This land, our land, by what means do we define

our land. Is it the place we were born or is by fact

of saying, we belong here. But then when we state

we belong, we cast aside people who are not from

here, wherever here is. We cannot claim this is ours

simply by the fact of having been born on this land.


So many people in this one world, yet we claim it's

our land, not your land. Who are you, who are we

well as far as i can see we are the human race

born on a piece of ground belonging to no one.

But it's strange how there are those who say this 

is our land and we shall defend it, defend it from whom.


them, oh them, aye them ones, which one, people who

weren't born on this piece of our one world, erm I see.

No i don't see how that's an achievable reason to claim

this is our land, because you weren't born here. 

Again where is here. Right let's sort this out, we are one race

 the human race. Regardless of where we are born we all 

belong on this world, please let's drop all notion of owning this land.


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