The living are here the dead are gone
The living have time the dead have none,
So while you`re alive use your time well
How long you`ve got no one can foretell.
The dead teach us a good many things
And we must appreciate what life brings,
It gives us life but it takes it away
So the lesson is that nothing will stay.
When we lose them it all starts from there
Of our mortality we become aware,
Not to waste a minute of our time is the key
But to fill each second and use it wisely.
What they didn`t do they can`t do now
So learn from this and do things now,
Look! For them `tomorrow` never came
And for you it could very well be the same.
So what they have to teach learn it well
Don`t have regrets when you hear that knell,
What is not done will remain that way
So don`t put things off just do them `today`.