

I’m not along there are millions like me
I ‘m fighting a spiritual battle within me that will not let me brake free
And these chains are just too strong for me
This thing called depression is always hanging around
And it’s always trying to keep my head hung down
It lies and tries to destroy and control me
It’s trying to confuse me
By offering false hopes and false dreams
It is stronger than anything I have ever seen
And yet at times this thing can encamp my entire being.
But the word of God is real
Real and strong enough to feel
It says weeping may endure for a night but joy will come in the morning light
Joy, oh Joy Unspeakable joy will come in the morning light
Listen up Mr. Thing because God has told me your names
You are sometimes called fear, you can sometimes be called loneliness and hopeless
You are also called oppression but your first name is DEPRESSION
But guess what you are no longer master of these lessons
GOD has taken over you session’
He talks of lesson of love, and lessons of faith
Faith he says the size of a mustard seed
Is all we will ever need I am talking to the millions like me
I bring good news about a man from Galilee
Things will no longer be the same
Because he is saving souls and singing names
Again to the millions of you that are like me
If you open your heart to him he will set you free

1,327 Poems Read
