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Harriet Shea
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Space filled with wonder, where we
search the universe for answers
there are none, not yet, where we
have establish space stations, they
multiply, finding life under ground of
Mars, the red planet, escaping death,
they find a new way of life.

Searching for other worlds for a sign
of extraterrestrials, we find, through
time travel, many dimensions, life
years apart, we now establish more
about God, and his creations, searching,
finding, accepting, we move on into the
mysteries of the universe.

Space is the ace of the deck,highest
you can find, where knowledge is
only one step away from our
accomplishments, a score much to
high for betterment, space, vast,
filled with life, specks, dust from

We shall continue to send out ships
to other worlds,finding more and
more answers, while we may of over
looked the true depth of our belief.

The heavens will continue when we
are gone, answers will be sought,
solving many question unknown,
space, our true destination, has no
beginning, no end, life a mystery
of mysteries that shall go on till the
end of time.

By Derena


© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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