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Was raining hard that November
tears fell in silence, emotions
touched heart, life had suddenly
changed without a thought what
was to come.

The crisp wind blew across
tree tops of dying leaves, that
November in the rain, numbness
gathered attention among those
who loved him so.

Laying on a bed so cold, was a
dying man, so young, so brave
so unique in his way.

He never seen through our
tears, he was dead , brain dead
laying on the bed, so cold, all
alone without a living mind.

His heart was kept pumping,
life support, was his heart
now, his soul was still within,
his mind was gone, he just
lie there in stillness upon
that bed so cold.

That one November it
rained so hard, the day
my brother was taken
home, oh how it rained
when darkness feel upon
those who loved him so
many years ago.

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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