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Beginning what I want to do, must first
start with a question! “what really do
1. I want to do?? be a queen
wearing a crown of gems.
2. Want to be a person who can make people happy.
3. Want to know all my light I shine is not being thrown in the pit of no return.
4. Want to write all the words that flow from my heart without any distractions from me completing what
must be completed with out any obstacles standing in the way of what must be finished in a certain time of my destiny.
5. Want to begin a new program of thought consciousness
before it is to late to change the consequences of the world and all what will happen to man kind.
6. Want to find that special someone that will light my fire so we can become twin flames of love and unity.
7. Want to be a wiser individual and be a teacher of spirituality and show each person that they can be a spiritual person without any effort what so ever, before the end of history will change face and no longer shine from within their own heart but an artificial light pretending to be coming from within.
8. Want to raise above the tree tops and watch the butterflies kiss the flowering maple a sweet good-bye, before they have to leave there beautiful world.
9. Want to count all my blessing I have received from day one to this day I am now 78 going to be 79, much faster than I wanted to be., but young at heart I shall always be.
10. Want to end my wants with the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Amen!

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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