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Savage Attacker


Savage intentions attack each thought,
silence comforts each attack intended,
while skies of blue yonder, approach
without notice, cooling across miles
undisturbed, height's surrendering
to beauty that never enter thoughts

Restless heart, lay down your arms,
no enemy lurks behind each bend,
intruder lives within yourself, attacking
emotions, with no return, when danger
appears with darkened clouds, defensive
thoughts grow like weeds.

Soar high, fly away, free, fearless,
dividing worlds apart, all that was,
all that has been, now quietly dissolves,
touching heart, touching soul, whispering
winds calming desires, lurking within each
disturbing memory of yesterday.

Captured mind collecting good thoughts
intended to be thought, savage beast
attacks no more, desire blooms
like a rose, pure, new, fresh, light appears
within the master of the soul, bringing

(The depth of fear cannot conquer)

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)




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