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Walking Hand and Hand with God


Walk hand and hand with God, you'll
be a happy soul, you let him in your
heart to stay.

It is not easy, living life alone and blue
you must have the faith and hope
to move on believing miracles really
do happen, with very little faith.

Collect your emotions and grow the seeds
of understanding, they grow so quickly if
you open your heart long enough, to feel
the light flowing through.

Awake each day with a smile upon your
face, it is the first day of your life, so why
wear a frown that does not become you, this
bright beautiful day of new lessons to be
Sing those songs that make you happy, spread
the words of love that enchants you, and
bring together those who have done each other
wrong in the eyes of God in heaven above.

You'll know your blessings well, when your heart
is filled with peace, you won't have that
sadness that so many feel, when you live a life
of truth, expecting nothing, but a heart filled with
love and understanding.

We know the story well, as we flirt in our evil ways
only in time, do we really know it does not pay to
play games that color your heart black, with no
light to find your way out, you made the circle
without any links, not thinking someday you may
want to leave your evil ways behind.

The day will come when you find your way out with
the help of your Angels protecting ways, making
you pure enough to walk hand and hand with God
once again, another lesson learned, another
waiting around the bend.

Move on and Thank God for your Blessings
he will never let you walk alone.

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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