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Once Spoken


Once said! that if love should last a life time
that there is no treasure as priceless, now
that I am loved so deeply, I realize loving
and receiving is a treasure that can never
be replaced, for in loving and giving love
to another are you a rich person, so if you
know it or not, if someone loves you deeply
and you love someone to, your life has never
been a waste, you have learned to give of
yourself, you have found love by giving it, so
all of the richest of treasures can never
compare to the richness and power of love..

Once said, that if sadness entered your life it would
leave with no memory of hurt, it would of been
lived and thought about to long to remember it
when it left, so if your hurts hurt more then you
can bear, grow from them, remember there
was a reason for the sadness and hurt to have
entered in the first, place, now that you have
grown so has your wisdom, for in growing
comes wisdom....

Once said, if the rainbow disappears before
you have finished making your wish that you
will live the wish out, so while you watch it
fade away continue making your wish with
hopes all wishes and dreams will become
reality, for in believing will they become
what you believe they will become, they
will not disappoint, they will be a dream of
dreams, just believe and happiness shall
be forever yours..

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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