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Please Forgive Me


Please forgive me for not
seeing the beauty of life, now
everything has a place, a song
to be sung, a foundation..

Flowers never looked, nor smelled
as they do today, all has
changed with each season, now
what was Ignored for so long,
stands out in front of me...

Please forgive me Lord, it took a
life time to see what I have
missed, now tranquility has given
me a reason to go on with what ever
stands before me, you've
made me strong, an angel by
my side to guide me..

Please forgive me for just noticing
what I have missed out on till now,
I know what I must do before I
go home! Carry another upon
my humble back...

Please don't forgive me
for falling in love with love,
it's blooming before my eyes which
have been blinded by the
light much to long, now the light
guides me toward understanding
and peace to conquer all my
hearts confusion.

Please don't forgive me, if
suddenly walk on the waters of
realities realm, I have found a new
place named peace..

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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