God Bless America
So many years ago America was scar ed
with sorrow, a pain leaving fear among
America so deep, she shed tears of blood
and water fell from the eyes of God, that
his children could hurt with this kind of
evil intent.
Still! we shed tears of blood, feelings have
become numb with ignorance, and darkness
hides away the light of salvation, no love
shared, no radiance, brilliant with promise
something has went terribly wrong without
a soul filled with grace..
We cannot bring back people lost before
their time, but we can become God's people
once again, and shower forth goodness in
the days we have left on Mother Earth.
We can put evil away in the deep void of
no return, it is up to man kind, to bring
back the love, faith, respect, order, gathering
knowledge, understanding, the true meaning
of good, not evil and more evil, we can not
keep on living in destruction, it must end in
peace, love, and harmony.
By Derena
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